◊ Hiring Hall Procedures Effective May 1st, 2023 ◊
These rules are supplementary to the hiring procedures and rules contained in the LABOR AGREEMENT. The burden of proof of qualifications is on the individual.
All applicants for employment shall fill out an “APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION”.This must be completely filled out, in ink, and signed by the applicant. It is the responsibility of all applicants to notify the Referral Office of any changes in this information.
The original signing may be in person with a Letter of Introduction.
Hours of Registration shall be from 8:00 A.M. through 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
Re-sign shall be required every month to renew your position on the registration list. THIS MEANS YOU CAN RESIGN ANYTIME DURING THE MONTH.
Resigns may be accomplished bu mail, fax, email or in person.
EXCEPTION: Any time an individual re-signs in person, the next five re-signs may be by mail, fax, or email.
Availability of jobs will be announced each day by calling (218) 728-6895 between the hours of 4:30 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Monday through Friday. You may also check the website at http://www.ibew.org/jobsboard/JBResponse.aspx?LU=242
Calls for jobs will be made beginning at 8:00 A.M. until the calls are filled in the following manner:
When any of the above situations are encountered, we will call the next available wireman and you will be given a strike. If you call back after the job has been filled you will also be given a strike.Three strikes and you will be rolled off the book.
It is your obligation to make yourself available to take these calls.
The Business Manager is responsible to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by employers. This means in an emergency; referral may have to be made outside normal hours using whatever means are available to fill calls and place registrants.
Calls will be made for specific experience – welding – short order – house wiring (make sure you have indicated your experience on your Registration form).
Minnesota and Wisconsin license requests will be honored.
An applicant who is hired and who receives, through no fault of his own, work of fourteen (14) consecutive days (2 weeks) or less, regardless of the number of hours worked, shall be restored to his appropriate place within the group.
Calls will be made on a rotation basis. (example: #5 accepts a short call. Calling will begin with #6 for the next short call.)
Refusal of a job offer or no answer will constitute a turndown.
No pay off at lay-off. Contractor agrees to terminate on or before – and pay off in full at the next regular payday or sooner.
No drag up pay.
When on a short call, you are responsible for calling the job line and leaving a message should you want a call. We will not call job sites, contractors or union halls to contact you. We will only call the number you provided when you signed in or a number left on the jobline.
Registrants will be allowed two turndowns without penalty and be rolled completely off the book for a third turndown. They must re-register in person after being rolled off. Being unavailable for referral when work would have been offered to the registrant shall be considered a turndown.
Any individual who receives two discharges for cause within a twelve month period is to be suspended from future referral privileges until they appear before the Appeals Committee for a determination as to their continued eligibility for referral.