Bleichner Releif Fund
IBEW 242 member Jesse Bleichner has a 13 year old daughter, Azaelea, that has been diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia and receiving care at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital since March 25th of 2020. This is a slow progressing and uncommon type of blood-cell cancer that begins in the bone marrow. This is a very rare cancer especially for someone so young.
The TKI treatment Azaelea has been receiving is unfortunatly not enough and now must a undergo Bone Marrow Transplant. Once this procedure starts, Azaelea will be at the Childrens Hospital for 1-2 months then Azaelea must stay within 30 minutes of the hospital for 100 days. This will require the Bleichner family to have a second residence near the Hospital.
Currently, the Bleichner family has been financially strained as Jessica, Azaelea’s Mother, has been caring for Azaelea with her weekly trips from Brainerd for treatment and needed to quit her job. The need for a secondary residence will further strain their resources.
If you or your organization can help out in any way it would be greatly appreciated!
Please visit the families GoFundMe Page.